Saturday, May 28, 2016


"Even lazy jellyfish do it" - Lets get to it (let's fall in love) Ella Fitzgerald

Love.... I love those shoes, I love sushi, I love the summer weather, est... Its in all of the "love songs" we use the word so often I begin to think if we even really know what the word "LOVE" really means. Or if simply there are other words for what we mean... Because surely we don't mean  the same thing when we tell our family we love them, as to when we tell our friend we love their new shirt. Well according to the text book "Marriage and Family" there are 4 different words for the one we all enjoy saying:)

AGAPE: Charity. This is the kind of love that is more for that person you just met.
EROS:This is the more romantic kind of love, the longing kind. more for your significant other rather then your grandma ;)
PHILIA: This is where all your bf's, bff's, and just your normal friend's would be.
STORGE: And this love is saved for your fam-gam, aka Family

So go on "loving" all the many things you do and like Tim Mcgraw would say "I love you ain't no pick up line". So save it for someone or something that you truly do love.

Saturday, May 21, 2016


I have been thinking a lot about the the different roles males and females play. I feel like the world has started to really look down on women who have chosen the role to stay home and raise their children, and have really started to praise women who have chosen the path of working out side the home. It also seems like the world looks up to men who have chosen to be stay at home daddies instead of choosing the working field.

I'm not so much here to talk about why it is better for mom to be at home but more of wanting to ask the question, "why is it more okay for a man to choose to stay home then for a women?". Of course many women have fought for the right for us women to be able to work outside the home. But why does that aromatically mean a women cant be viewed as doing something great by staying home with her children?

This is a topic I would really love to hear some others thoughts on. So please share what ever you may think:)

Saturday, May 14, 2016


Have you every really thought about what goes into culture. Every family has a different culture. there are no two that are the exact same. You could live on the same block, attend all the same schools, have the same beliefs religiously, enjoy the same activities, and still have a different culture. 

In marriage and in families, I believe this could be called "habits." Have you ever heard of the term "Honey moon phase?" Well I googled it and it said, "At the beginning of a good relationship, everything seems perfect. You and your partner agree on everything, you want to do the same activities on the weekends and you always look great and shiny and happy. They call this the honeymoon stage, because in olden days we'd be married by now and going on honeymoons." Okay so I thought this was silly. Did you see how they said "beginning of a good relationship" then you will have a Honeymoon phase? I don't necessarily  disagree with this statement, made by an unknown individual, but I do think it is a little extreme. But only for the pure thought of thinking the Honeymoon phase can mean different things to everyone! I personally don't think my husband and I have ever agreed right off the bat on ever little thing. But I don't feel I have left the honeymoon phase yet.  

I found this quote that says "There is no such thing as a honeymoon phase specific patterns create specific results. Maintain the patterns, maintain the results." I feel like the "honeymoon phase" can last as long as you want it to. You might disagree on something at first or later or everyday, all that matters is if you care enough about it, then share it with your spouse. Your goal is to work together on building your relationship. Make goals, rules, and don't forget to always look for new ways to show your love.

Saturday, May 7, 2016


Today I would like to share a few of my thoughts on the topic of Exchange we expect something from others, just because we did something for them? I often fall into this category, especially when others do things for me. I'm not saying it is bad to want to do thing for other who do nice things for us. But are we expecting others to return the "favor" when we decide to do something.

I feel like this can be an easy slope to fall in when in a relationship with friends, family, spouse, and boy or girlfriends. Are we  holding our loved ones accountable when we do something for them? This can be more then just a "Hey I did the dishes last or hey I got you this gift" but can also be emotional support, time est. Have you ever caught yourself saying something along the lines of "I just don't feel like I am getting out as much as I am putting into this relationship"? Sadly, I know I have. As we focus more on what we can give to others vs what they can give to us, we can build stronger relationships as we change our self first.