Saturday, May 14, 2016


Have you every really thought about what goes into culture. Every family has a different culture. there are no two that are the exact same. You could live on the same block, attend all the same schools, have the same beliefs religiously, enjoy the same activities, and still have a different culture. 

In marriage and in families, I believe this could be called "habits." Have you ever heard of the term "Honey moon phase?" Well I googled it and it said, "At the beginning of a good relationship, everything seems perfect. You and your partner agree on everything, you want to do the same activities on the weekends and you always look great and shiny and happy. They call this the honeymoon stage, because in olden days we'd be married by now and going on honeymoons." Okay so I thought this was silly. Did you see how they said "beginning of a good relationship" then you will have a Honeymoon phase? I don't necessarily  disagree with this statement, made by an unknown individual, but I do think it is a little extreme. But only for the pure thought of thinking the Honeymoon phase can mean different things to everyone! I personally don't think my husband and I have ever agreed right off the bat on ever little thing. But I don't feel I have left the honeymoon phase yet.  

I found this quote that says "There is no such thing as a honeymoon phase specific patterns create specific results. Maintain the patterns, maintain the results." I feel like the "honeymoon phase" can last as long as you want it to. You might disagree on something at first or later or everyday, all that matters is if you care enough about it, then share it with your spouse. Your goal is to work together on building your relationship. Make goals, rules, and don't forget to always look for new ways to show your love.

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