Saturday, May 21, 2016


I have been thinking a lot about the the different roles males and females play. I feel like the world has started to really look down on women who have chosen the role to stay home and raise their children, and have really started to praise women who have chosen the path of working out side the home. It also seems like the world looks up to men who have chosen to be stay at home daddies instead of choosing the working field.

I'm not so much here to talk about why it is better for mom to be at home but more of wanting to ask the question, "why is it more okay for a man to choose to stay home then for a women?". Of course many women have fought for the right for us women to be able to work outside the home. But why does that aromatically mean a women cant be viewed as doing something great by staying home with her children?

This is a topic I would really love to hear some others thoughts on. So please share what ever you may think:)

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