Saturday, May 28, 2016


"Even lazy jellyfish do it" - Lets get to it (let's fall in love) Ella Fitzgerald

Love.... I love those shoes, I love sushi, I love the summer weather, est... Its in all of the "love songs" we use the word so often I begin to think if we even really know what the word "LOVE" really means. Or if simply there are other words for what we mean... Because surely we don't mean  the same thing when we tell our family we love them, as to when we tell our friend we love their new shirt. Well according to the text book "Marriage and Family" there are 4 different words for the one we all enjoy saying:)

AGAPE: Charity. This is the kind of love that is more for that person you just met.
EROS:This is the more romantic kind of love, the longing kind. more for your significant other rather then your grandma ;)
PHILIA: This is where all your bf's, bff's, and just your normal friend's would be.
STORGE: And this love is saved for your fam-gam, aka Family

So go on "loving" all the many things you do and like Tim Mcgraw would say "I love you ain't no pick up line". So save it for someone or something that you truly do love.

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