Saturday, June 4, 2016

W H I T E - P I C K E T - F E N C E

   There is something about a white picket fence that is so pleasing. We were talking about this in a class recently and about how this should be our goal in marriage. We should build a boundary around our spouse and our self. A white picket fence gives that seance of friendliness but the top lets others know, that you do have your boundaries. This will allow you and your spouse to grow closer.
   I was recently thinking pack to all of the different things I my self, and many others will also go through in their first months and year of being married. Some of these things are...

  • Budgeting finances
  • Splitting up responsibilities 
  • Learning how to care for and encourage each other
  • Working out a new planned reunite that fits to each others schedules 
  • Setting goals
  • Communicating about everything 
   These are just a few of the many things you have to work on when you get married. I am not saying they are always hard for everyone, but some of these things can be difficult when you are not use to it. But I know that there is great good that can com from learning how to strengthen your relationship. Allowing yourself to become vulnerable to your spouse and them doing the same to you. It allows you to turn to them when they have done something that has hurt you, made you feel sad, angry, confused. It also can help your spouse to do the some. It also allows yourself to grow closer together when maybe goals or dreams did not workout the ways you had planned. Maybe you had pictured starting a family as soon as you could only to come to find out, that was not an option for you. Maybe you planned on getting a job that would allow you to stay close to family, only to find out about a job offer that was too good to e true, the only catch, it's five states away.

   These are the times when you lean on your spouse for strength. By doing so, you are reinforcing that bond. 


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