Saturday, June 11, 2016

L O V E - M A K I N G, - N O T - J U S T - S E X

"Smiling for someone is sweet, but making someone smile is the best feeling." -Unknown 

There are a lot of ways you can focus on the "Making love not just sex." In my opinion, when you are making love, you are focused on the other person more then your self. You are also being focused on my your spouse by your spouse to the same degree. The both of you are looking for more then just sex. you are looking to show the other that you care for them, that you want them to be happy, that what they feel is just as important as to what you feel. A couple ways you as a partner can make this an easier step in your own marriage is by communicating and listening. We all have heard it before "communication is key" but why is it so hard to sometimes talk to your spouse about the undesirable things you may experience with sex? This is an opportunity we have to help, strengthen our  marriage. 
Listening to your spouse when they share something with you is your time to gain trust in you. how will you respond when they share something with you that you might not agree with? Do you encourage it or do you act offended and sometimes angry? When we are open with our spouse about the good and the bad. and when you are listening yourself. you both can began to focus on the cretin things the other  likes this is when you are most likely to feel that love for one another.

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