Saturday, June 25, 2016


What is good communication? I for a really long time thought of it in a way of compromising. You know, not always getting your way, so that the other people in your life can have a turn at it going their way. But after watching a video of the first presidency of the Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter day saints talk about how they themselves,learn how to counsel with each other, my eyes are now open to a much better way then just agreeing to keep the peace.

Starting a council meeting with either your family or with your spouse you should be looking forever ones thoughts and ideas, they are all important especially when making big decisions. With children or young adult, I feel this can give them the opportunity to speak their minds and come up with ideas, you yourself, would have never thought of or if you had, they might not respond the same as when they are told they cant "play with friends on Sunday" as they would if they were given the opportunity to make a good choice for them selves. (they will surprise you). If you are looking to have a family council to set some rules for Sunday's, you might begin by asking the question, What are some ways we as a family can make the Sabbath day more center on Christ? Allow ideas to go around the room and begin to plan. When having a council like this with your spouse, listen for their concerns and thoughts. find what will most benefit your family. Allow for their to be joy, if something begins to become too heated, try taking a break from that topic and going back to it after you both have had the opportunity to think it through and why it might be important to the other spouse.

If the other person needs more time to decide, allow it. It will help both of you to have the time to agree on the same thing, rather then just one of you compromising to make the other happy.


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